Ideal procedure to make your skin look like a baby's skin. What is it about?

If only you knew that the subject we are going to talk about today is one of my favourite topics when it comes to skin care. 

Exfoliation is of utmost importance. To help you understand why, I'm going to make a comparison between the process of exfoliating our skin and when we are washing the dishes. Imagine you are scrubbing a plate with leftover food on it and you are washing it with the soft part of the scrubbing sponge. No matter how hard you sponge the leftovers stick to the plate. However, when you wash the plate with the rougher side of the sponge, you can see how all the food stuck to the plate is removed. It's the same with the skin, when you exfoliate it you remove all the dead skin cells.

What is the importance of exfoliating the skin? 

Our body doesn't have the capacity to remove all the dead skin cells, which are actually renewed every 28 days. As a result, pores become clogged, skin is not oxygenated and does not absorb the nutrients it needs to feel and look good. By exfoliating, you help your skin look new, fresh and glowing.

What are the benefits of exfoliating the skin?

  1. Exfoliation prevents the appearance of blackheads. Removes make-up residues that are difficult to clean off. 
  2. Frequent exfoliation ensures renewed skin.
  3. It softens the texture of your skin, prevents acne and helps creams and serums to penetrate easily. 
  4. Stimulates collagen.

¿How should we exfoliate? 

Apply the facial scrub to clean skin and spread in gentle circular motions. Then remove the product with warm water, apply a moisturiser and then sunscreen for best results. Avoid exfoliating if you have open wounds on your skin.

Home Remedy: Coffee is perfect for detoxifying pores, de-inflaming and soothing the skin, while rosehip oil moisturises the skin.

How often should we exfoliate our skin?

 If you have dry skin, exfoliate once a week. For oilier skin, exfoliate once or twice a week (or if you feel it needs more, you can also exfoliate daily). If you notice that your skin becomes red or sensitive, reduce the frequency.

Recipe: 1 tablespoon ground coffee, ½ teaspoon rosehip oil. Apply and massage for a couple of seconds. Then rinse with cold water. 

Remember to always moisturise your skin as well as applying sunscreen!