Our Services

Post-operative Treatments


Generally this type of procedure is applied in situations where an intervention is performed on the skin and / or tissues, the skin will be prepared, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, reducing the pain of surgery, while manual lymphatic drainage will stimulate the repair of the lymphatic system and at the same time the decrease of toxins and fluid, creating an environment conducive to optimal recovery.

Body Treatments

Slimming, slimming, reducing, anti-cellulite and toning agents

The Beautiful Body system integrates diets and non-invasive subdermal therapy, a procedure known as lipotransportation that has the purpose of reducing fat in different areas of the body, improving circulation and muscle tone; achieving the loss of inches, reducing cellulite and excess fluid in the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, etc., alternating the use of the equipment, creating the BB Circuit system. These types of treatments are recommended between 1 to 2 times a week with a minimum of 8 to 16 sessions.)


Treatment that uses low frequency ultrasound to form micro bubbles, thus accumulating a large amount of energy that implode with the adipocytes to break the membrane of the fat cell without damaging the adjacent structures. The body will obtain reaffirming changes as losses

Passive Gymnastics

It is a body reshaping technique that produces muscle contractions through electric impulses, exercising a stimulating effect on the mobilization of fat deposits in several areas of your body. As part of its benefits, this treatment provides firmness, toning, and rehabilitation to the muscles, as well as it helps in the prevention of flaccidity on other areas such as arms, muscles, gluteus, abdomen, and legs.


Treatment that emits low frequency mechanical vibrations with directional percussion methodology that accelerates fat metabolism and activates circulation. Eliminates excess liquids, fat residues and toxins. Relaxes muscles and relieves ailments, among others.

Vacuum therapy

It is a non-invasive, subdermal procedure that is performed through controlled suction for the mobilization of body fat, improving muscle tone and is excellent for buttock treatments.


Vacuum therapy and specially designed rollers for massage that increases the metabolism of stored energy, increases lymphatic drainage and reduces the size of fat cells. It reduces inches, cellulite, improves muscle tone, eliminates excess fluid and is ideal as a non-surgical alternative to regain the silhouette after childbirth.

Lipo Laser


Treatment that offers inch loss and body contouring; painless, needle-free and surgery-free. Lipo laser emits low levels of laser energy, which creates a chemical signal in the fat cells, breaking down stored triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol; which are transported through the body to be used during the metabolism process to generate energy.

Ultrasound Therapy

Specially used for the treatment of cellulite and muscular conditions. It stimulates circulation and is anti-inflammatory. Excellent for pre & post surgery.


It is a non-invasive treatment that is based on the physical stimulation of the lymphatic system by means of air pressures, which give the ascending blood stream the necessary impulse by performing a lymphatic drainage. It is recommended to treat fluid retention, swollen legs, varicose veins, edemas, lymphedema, cellulite and other problems of lymphatic origin, improving at the same time the oxygenation of the tissues.


This procedure eliminates the "adipocytes" by means of temperatures below zero degrees Celsius, without damaging the surrounding tissue. This non-invasive process consists of freezing fat deposits, or localized fat such as abdomen, lower back, arms, hips and unwanted "Love Handles".


Technology that produces an efficient thermal effect on the tissues, capable of producing a "lifting effect" by heating the dermis. This deep heating of the skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue causes the formation of new collagen both in the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue, allowing the whole tissue to acquire firmness and the reduction of fat cells.

Reducing Massages

It is a manual massage therapy that consists of movements that act directly on the lymphatic system, transporting toxins and helping the immune system. It fights cellulite by preventing fluid retention. It helps to stimulate circulation, improves metabolic functions and is beneficial to reduce inflammations caused by surgeries.

Thermal Bath

For centuries the Thermal Bath has been recommended as a curative therapy. Aid for cellulite, joints, weight control, arthritis, rheumatism, detoxification, rejuvenates, calms muscle aches and oxygenates the respiratory tract.

Hydrotherapy (Available in Dorado and Caguas)

An ideal method of reducing stress and muscle relief and relaxation. It is beneficial for sleep disorders, muscle fatigue, arthritis conditions, fibromyalgia and improved circulation. In addition we incorporate methods of water pressure and effects of thermal changes among other features, which benefits the circulatory and muscular level.

Cold Laser Hair Removal

Innovative cold laser for hair removal. The latest trend in the market that provides the comfort of receiving a cold laser treatment. With this method you will be able to get rid of in-grown hair caused by shaving. Your skin will be impeccably smooth and spotless.

Facial Treatments

In Beautiful Body we have deep and specialized facial treatments , with the latest technologies on the market.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment

Oxygen plays a vital role in cellular functions. It helps metabolize proteins and enzymes allowing the cell to regenerate. It restores part of the natural oxygenation of the epidermis, revitalizes the skin instantly restoring its freshness and radiance.

Facial Services

  • Facial deep cleansing                                 
  • Moisturizing treatment
  • Facial treatments and pre-surgeries
  • Acid free microdermabrasion
  • Acid Microdermabrasion
  • Radiofrequency treatment
  • Cellular nutrition treatment
  • Spot Reduction Treatment 
  • Chemical peeling treatment (Renewal of the dermis)



  • Relaxing body massage                                       
  • Hot stone body massage          
  • Body exfoliation                                        
  • Lymphatic Drainage Massage
  • Body massage with bamboo therapy
  • Body massage with wood therapy