What are the cock's feet?

They are considered wrinkles, expression lines in the eye area and are one of the signs of aging.

1) Why do we get crow's feet?

There are several reasons why we get crow's feet, but I'm going to mention the three most common ones. 

The first is aging: with age, we lose the production of collagen and elastin; and one of the areas that is most affected is the area around the eyes. 

The second one, Dehydration: Due to the lack of hydration, the epidermis fibers cannot recover their elasticity, and that is why those expression lines appear in the eye area. This happens to people who smoke, drink alcohol or have a poor diet. 

The third: eye strain: When we have tired eyes or do not see well, we tend to squint, which is why crow's feet begin to appear. 

2) How can we prevent crow's feet?

One of the recommendations are: Avoid the sun, moisturize the eye contour area every day, do not smoke, maintain a good diet, consume antioxidants, drink plenty of water.

3) What treatments are recommended for crow's feet?

Among the variety of alternatives there are anti agin, moisturizing and oxygenating ampoules, with new technology and great absorption power, collagen veils, masks with Botox effect and gold actives, all combined with firming massages and oparatology of last generation.

4) Natural Tip, Avocado mask that helps to eliminate crow's feet thanks to its moisturizing properties. This mask softens expression marks.