Do you want to firm your abdomen and buttocks?

The Em Shape treatment is ideal for people who do not have time to exercise, to go to the gym or for those who wish to have faster results in their body or as a complement to the gym. To firm the buttocks for example, squats have been recommended for years. In the case of the abdomen, the "crunches" that are worked with medicine balls or with other machines that we can find in the gym.



However, in the last 10 years the world has evolved so much that technology has been created for everything. In the kitchen for example; in addition to the microwave we have the Airfrier. Now we talk and give instructions to Alexa, to Siri on the phone.


Well, the same has happened with the body, technologies have been created to firm two of the areas that we women love to have reaffirmed, the buttocks and abdomen. This is achieved through currents that stimulate our muscle mass.



 How do the Em Shape team currents work? 

These Currents work by creating contractions that help build muscle, sculpt your body. They burn fat, improve muscle tone in the abdominal area and lift the gluteal area.


Is there any preparation before having this treatment?

Avoid a heavy meal before treatment, because of the

contractions in the abdominal area.


Is this treatment painful? 

Not at all. This Corrientes treatment is painless and non-invasive.



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